Thursday, October 06, 2005

Put your right hand in, take your right hand out....

And you get an artist that has no idea what to do with herself!

I have had a pain in my right arm for about the past 3-4 weeks. At first I thought it was because I was sleeping wrong, but then the pain began to radiate from my shoulder down my arm. Not good, I know!

Well after being very stubborn and fighting with my schedule to actually set-up an appointment with my doctor, I talked to a few specialists at a 5k walk. The prognosis you ask? One of a few things: Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel, Repetitive Motion Injury, Pinched Nerve, or Nerve damage. I hear back from the doctor tomorrow to learn what exactly I have and how to treat it.

But in the mean time I'm becoming a Leftie, or at least forcing myself to learn. When I write words, it is actually legible and aesthetically interesting. I am looking forward to adding it into my art work. Now that I'm tapping into my left side more, I think it could really influence my art. My paintings consist of loose, broad paint strokes. It's not something that needs technical precision from my right arm. While the pain is not fun, exploring my art work with my new found tool my Left Hand seems like a cool direction to take my art. I am very excited to see what results from this.


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