Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Back in Action

For all those wondering about my arm, I'm feeling great! It was very interesting seeing the x-rays of my neck and back. It's amazing how much our bodies can take and pass off as normal. I have a tenseness in my shoulders that is completely normal to me, but my chiropractor said I have the shoulders of a 60 year old! Wow all I can say is I'm one tough cookie. In addition to my scoliosis, I don't have a gentle curve to my neck, pinched nerves, and no range of motion in my low back. But after few weeks of treatments, ice, regular exercise, and breaks; have given me use of my arm again! Oh and here's an odd yet interesting fact, I'm missing my last ribs. My chiro joked that if Adam didn't need it neither do I. LOL

Funny thing is today I tried writing again with my left hand and my writing has improved greatly. It doesn't have the childlike quality like my first attempt. And I'm getting more control painting with my left hand. Even though the pain and numbness is gone in my right arm, I'm still going to push and refine my motor skills in my left arm.

On the health tip, I met my chiro at a 5k walk I did for Girls at Risk. I got 2nd place in my age group! A few weeks ago, I completed the Long Beach Half Marathon which was awesome. Since then, I have been actively running and doing weight training, trying to maintain my health and prepare for the Las Vegas Marathon. It is 38 days left and counting.

My Marathon training has been a great discipline factor in my life. I have to wake up early for training and get rest at night, not the easiest thing for a night owl. This has helped me prioritize the important tasks that need to be accomplished in my day.


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